Vakya Panchangam Tamil Astrology Software Free 343 compagnia savage4 pr The Vakya Panchangam is the most essential astrological software for Tamil people. It has an amazing capacity to calculate horoscopes by analyzing different parameters like Kanni, Nakshatram, Nattuvanams, etc. The software provides accurate results in no time. It's available on all devices and systems with easy navigation. The Vakya Panchangam is a Tamil astrology software that has been used widely by the people of South India for nearly 2000 years. This software uses the concept of Nakshatras, Janma nakshatram, Karanams and Nattuvanams to predict horoscope. It also gives details about various categories like Marriage, Children, Finance, Education, Career and many more at the end of every year. The user can also manually enter birth details for precise analysis. Vakya Panchangam Tamil Astrology Software Free 343 compagnia savage4 pr The most famous among Tamil astrological software is Vakya Panchangam. This software has been in use for thousands of years in the Tamil Nadu state. The user can get accurate analysis on different parameters like Kanni, Nakshatram, etc., with this software. This Vedic astrology system is used in the southern part of the country along with Vakya Panchangam in addition to Maya Kalvi in some parts of Kerala also. It is also known as Thula Aappam Vallam. Vadamadurai is a Tamil astrology software. It works very similarly to vakya panchangam software. The differences between vakya panchangam and vadamadurai are that in the latter it doesn't give the details about the time of birth and features such as height, complexion, etc. Vada Madurai is an astrology software that has been released by Deva Maheshwaran. This software allows its users to calculate horoscopes and also provide statistics like: Educational background, marital issues, financial status and parental compatibility in detail based on their nakshatra or star sign. The vada madurai software also states that one can calculate their horoscope by using the birth time, place, date and nakshatra. It has a complete database of nakshatra and gives you options for viewing your horoscope in Tamil/English language with the help of its Translation facility. The software also provides an option for viewing different predictions categorized as Current status, Education, Life partner, Marriage issues, etc., all in one place with the help of its reports section. This software is available on all devices and supports easily understandable English language.
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